Midwife Services


Prenatal Care

Prenatal Care in Your Home

Prenatal Appointment Schedule:

Once a month until 28 weeks

Every 2 weeks from 28-36 weeks

Weekly from 36 weeks until birth

Comprehensive prenatal care involves education and informed choice, clinical monitoring of you and your growing baby, nutrition and supplementation support, pregnancy risk monitoring, emotional processing, support for life changes and clinical referrals as needed.


Have Your Baby at Home

Your midwife is on call for you 24/7 from 37 to 42 weeks, providing skilled labor and birth care for you and your new infant. Your chosen birth team comes to you and stays with until everyone is stable and feeling well adjusted, usually 3-4 hours after the birth.

Together we create a relationship based in mutual trust and respect that supports labor and birth. Honoring your body’s innate knowledge and intuition, your process can be defined by you.


Postpartum Care in Your Home

Postpartum Appointment Schedule:

Twice in the first week

Two weeks

Four weeks

Six weeks

Postpartum care includes comprehensive infant feeding assistance. Close monitoring and support for the physical, emotional and life changes that come during this time.

Visit centraltexasmidwifery.com for a deep dive into Kate’s services.



Homebirth is …

Safe. Affordable.

Birth progresses best when we feel safe and respected. When our families are safe and well cared for. When we know and trust our care team.

Home is most often where we are the most comfortable, the most relaxed and the most able to let go.

Why Homebirth?

Autonomy. Privacy.

Homebirth is chosen for a variety of reasons including:

  • Control over who will be at the birth

  • Inclusion of family & kiddos

  • Desire to avoid unnecessary medical intervention

  • Desire for increased autonomy in one’s care

Homebirth is …

NOT At All Costs.

Homebirth is only when it is safe and working for everyone involved.

We do not take unnecessary risks. We transfer to the hospital if something arises that requires us to do so. Your families safety is my primary concern.
